
[vapid viridis]
[she/her], [bisexual], [nerd], [prospit dreamer]


You have entered my (forever incomplete) blog.

Date: 08/24/2024

Mood: -Spacious-

Finishing homestuck

Hello once more! It has been a period of time, as always. And as the title of this entry would lead you to believe: I have finished homestuck, and I think it's great! aparently the ending was a disapointment for some, but I really liked it personally.

I will miss having such a huge series to work through each night, any suggestions are welcome!

Also I took a test to see my class/aspect and I'm a Muse of Space :O

Which I think is cool because I love the space aspect and callie!!

But yeah homestuck is cool! Even in 2024!!

Date: 08/08/2024

Mood: Gliophorus psittacinus

The overdue second.

Hello again, it has been a while since I've created this site, but no matter. There couldn't be a better time to update the site than the 8th of the 8th.

For this log, I began with little intent other than to lament my situation, that is, being in limbo. for the past days, nothing has changed. For the past weeks, everything remains uniform. For the past months all remains still. And yet it seems that I am at my most unstable point I ever have been in. And while I have certainly been in objectivly worse positions, I feel as if I am being tortured. Thankfully, this can't last forever, I just worry that I'll run out of homestuck while I wait. Why does it always come down to waiting?

Hm. Are all these entries going to be this gloomy? I think it'll get old after awhile, especially if whoever is reading this isn't interested about mulling over miscellaneous meandering lives.

Date: 07/26/2024

Mood: peaceful solitude

The first of many (I hope).

Oh God!! pfft- that cat's legs were in the entry! just who Oh!!! pfffffffft!!- just who stitched together this page from various themes? anyway, hi! growing pains aside I am happy to make my first blog post, it's surprisingly fun!

I should probably say what I've done today? that might be fun. but I think I'll start with a thought

This identity that I have most recently created, vapid viridis, is not my first. It will most likely not be my last, but isn't that great? you can make a new identity - be whoever you want! In real life I struggle with my identity. It's almost like I'm forced to be someone I'm not, and when I look in the mirror I only see... a face. it isn't mine. I don't know if it ever will be. but on the internet, none of that matters!
